Treetops Walking Club

Treetops Walking Club
Treetops Walking Club
Treetops Walking Club

Our settings are both situated in lovely rural areas with Mulbarton and Easton. We are so fortunate to have such beautiful surroundings at both Treetops Nurseries and we feel it is paramount to use the local community to enrich our children’s learning and curriculum.
It is amazing how much your child can learn from exploring and visiting parts of the local community. Our Walking Club offers a chance to wonder, think, investigate, discover and admire the natural beauty of our world.

When talking about ‘Enabling Environments’ and supporting and extending children’s learning we are more often than not focussing on the indoor and outdoor nursery environment. However, it is just as important to look further afield outside of the nursery boundaries and explore the local environment. Our Walking Club gives children the opportunity to learn from and become part of their local community, helping children to build up their sense of community from a young age and where they fit in within the wider world.

Simply being able to walk to the local Corner shop and have an opportunity to purchase some fresh fruits and vegetables to have for snack that day can be so exciting for our children. Walking to the shop covers a huge array of milestones from the Early Years Foundation Stage and also gives our children the opportunity to enrich their learning through exploration and investigation. During the walk our staff members engage with the children throughout to discuss and observe the beautiful surrounds of our local communities.

Cultural capital is all about ensuring our children have the best possible start to their early education and future success. We know that children arrive to Nursery having had different experiences than others, in their learning and play. As an example, research tells us that there is correlation between the number of words a child knows and their future success. Cultural capital is about preparing children with the knowledge and skills for what comes next, this is important in early years because what children learn in the first vital years of life will stay with them forever. Our Walking Club offers our children the opportunity to visit, explore and investigate parts of the local community in which previously they may not have seen or visited.

During one of our ‘Walking Clubs’ we visited the local Post Office in Mulbarton. We were extremely lucky and Lorraine who works in the Post Office gave us a tour of where our parcels and letters go, looking at the sorting office and out back of the Post Office.
This was such a beautiful opportunity to meet cultural capital, showing our children the full layout of the Post Office and being able to ask Lorraine different questions about the process and her daily routines.

We absolutely love ‘Walking Club’ at Treetops Nursery… Keep an eye on our Facebook pages to see all of our local walks around the community. Mulbarton Facebook or Easton Facebook.

If you would like to find our more about our Walking Club then please get in touch…